Why music?
Every year, one of the most asked questions we get is "why should my student do band over another elective?" Well, here are two BIG reasons.
1) Music is a discipline that uses all parts of the brain, and is a cognitive and creative activity. It's no secret that students who partake in one or more of the arts are more well-rounded students, and more receptive to other kinds of learning. Students involved in music score an average of 102 points higher on the SAT then students who don't. 3/4 of Fortune 1,000 executives were involved in their school's music programs. If that's not good enough, you only need to look at the top of the student ranks here at OHS. There are roughly 450 students in the music program, about 17% of the school. Yet, year in and year out, at least 50% of the "Top Ten" (top 10% of the graduating seniors) are music students. This includes valedictorians, salutatorians, and in some years, both!!! Check out the video to the right to see why musicians are smarter in all subjects, not just music. |
2) Colleges love seeing music classes on a student's resume!!! Music and the fine arts are part of a well-rounded education, and colleges and universities look for that when assessing candidates for their institutions. Check out this listing of what Illinois colleges expect of their incoming freshmen...most require fine arts or a foreign language. Many people operate under the assumption that the arts need to be dropped in favor of a foreign language, and that is just not the case. Check out the list below to see what colleges REALLY want.